I have made available (via YouTube) a series of online video tutorials to assist in understanding UBL.
They are listed on the UBL Presentations page.
This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845) International Standard. UBL defines a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices.
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ChimpKey is an extremely easy and cost effective way to convert your PDF Invoices, Purchase Orders, Credit Notes, DesAdv and many other business documents into fully complient UBL XML. It is a service where you simply email your PDF document to an automated server and within 30 seconds the PDF is converted to UBL and sent back to you.
In The NEtherlands UBL is growing. A lot of bookkeepingprograms are able to import UBL files.
Now there is some disagreement about the location in the UBL file tag for the Purchase Ordernumber.
Who can give me right location (tag) for a purchase order in a UBL file?
I have made available (via YouTube) a series of online video tutorials to assist in understanding UBL.
They are listed on the UBL Presentations page.
For use with Sparx Enterprise Architect modeling tool. This is the source data model from which the UML diagrams included in the UBL 2.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML) Alternative Representation Version 1.0 (http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/UBL-2.1-UML/v1.0/UBL-2.1-UML-v1.0.html) were generated.
The UBL TC thanks Sparx Systems for its contribution of Enterprise Architect licenses for use in developing UML content models.