Welcome to UBL.XML.org.

This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845) International Standard. UBL defines a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices.

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Microsoft and Tradeshift - one step nearer to a universal business language

I sometimes wonder why I bother investing my time and energy in developing standards for eBusiness.


The returns seem so tenuous.  The challenges are complex and the frustrations irritating.


I am not surprised that so many talented people lose patience and stop spending their time in endless teleconferences, reading unfathomable reports or dealing with childish egos and power politics.


Yuki spreekt vloeiend UBL - Dutch drivers get the message!

Do you speak UBL? 

Huh? UBL? This question aroused the curiosity of Dutch motorists this summer.

Dutch ERP company Yuki (https://www.yuki.nl) were so proud to announce their facility for electronic invoicing in the OASIS UBL format that they ran a two-week billboard campaign around the ten largest cities in the Netherlands.

Plsql approach to validate UBL xml against UBL xsd

Can you pls share any sample PLSQL code to validate UBL XML against UBL xsd 2.1. I encounter few issues understanding xsd validation. Step by steps for schema registration and sample code would be of great help.

Validating XML using UBL XSD

ISO/IEC FDIS 19845 UBL 2.1 ballot in hands of national bodies

The final ballot for OASIS Universal Business Language 2.1 to become the International Standard ISO/IEC 19845 is now in the hands of national bodies for their vote.

The votes are due June 22, 2015, at which point ISO/IEC will tally the support for this final document to be published as it is.

Country citizens and companies worldwide who are interested in UBL are encouraged to bring their own national body's attention to this important ballot, expressing their support for a vote of approval.

UBL 2.1 proof of concept to create a web app/database


   I have been working with different tools  to create a database and a web application using the UBL 2.1 xml specifications.  All UBL 2.1 documents have been implemented.

This is a proof of concept and not a full blown application yet.  You may still find bugs and misinterpretations of the UBL specifications.  I’m still working on it.

But this shows how a UBL database can be represented and used.

Read more

New Committee Notes published

OASIS is pleased to announce the approval and publication of two OASIS Committee Notes by the members of the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC. 

The first is a Committee Note describing the governance of the process to propose, accept and incorporate changes to the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) 2 specifications.

There is also a Committee Note defining the possible mappings of IFTM components to the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) version 2.1.

For details see the Committee Published Supporting Materials page

ChimpKey PDF to UBL Converter

ChimpKey is an extremely easy and cost effective way to convert your PDF Invoices, Purchase Orders, Credit Notes, DesAdv and many other business documents into fully complient UBL XML. It is a service where you simply email your PDF document to an automated server and within 30 seconds the PDF is converted to UBL and sent back to you.



Purchase Orde location


In The NEtherlands UBL is growing. A lot of bookkeepingprograms are able to import UBL files. 


Now there is some disagreement about the location in the UBL file tag for the Purchase Ordernumber.


Who can give me right location (tag) for a purchase order in a UBL file? 

Video tutorials on Understanding the Universal Business Language

I have made available (via YouTube) a series of online video tutorials to assist in understanding UBL.

They are listed on the UBL Presentations page. 

XML.org Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | XML.org | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I