Welcome to UBL.XML.org.

This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845) International Standard. UBL defines a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices.

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hello Team

My Client want to start UBL Invoice for customers . In our current  landscape we have XI since XI is global no changes are allowed so we have only option is to get XML UBL data through ECC . Now our query is is it possible to do UBL mapping thru ECC . Thanks for your quick reply.



Half-day workshop on ISO/IEC 19845: Introduction to UBL - Introducción al UBL

Orlando, Florida
24 Apr 2017
Event Type: 
Training Class

Subset validation artefact creation service

Crane Softwrights Ltd. now offers a packaged service to create subset UBL schemas and other validation artefacts.  The publicly-available tools used by Crane are the same tools used by the UBL Technical Committee to create the validation artefacts in the UBL distribution.  Clients can use the public tools on their own or contract Crane to invoke the tools with a client's specification of their subset of UBL (accomplished using a shared online spreadsheet).  Details are found at the URL below.

Timeout importing xsd files from UBL 2.1 in SAP ECC6

Hello everyone,

We have currently problems importing the UBL2.1 xsd files into SAP ECC6 through transaction SPROXY.

I know recommendation by SAP is to use their EAI (XI, PI, PO) to make the mapping between sap structures and UBL structure but is there no possibility to import it directly into SAP backend system?

The problem is the processing time is very long and leads to timeout. Even when extending timeout, files are then loaded (after 1 hour) but the proxy transaction in SAP takes 20 minutes for each action.

Read more

Seminar: UBL E-invoicing, a daily practice

Utrecht, Netherlands
7 Dec 2016
Event Type: 

Agreement on syntaxes complying with the forthcoming European standard (EN) on Electronic Invoicing

Thomas Fillis reports from Barcelona:

CEN/TC 434 unanimously agreed to endorse UBL and CII as the syntaxes complying with the forthcoming EN and to be listed in a specific CEN Technical Specification (TS). Once the EN and TS are published by CEN and referenced in the  Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), contracting authorities and entities in the EU will have to receive and process electronic invoices which comply with the EN and any of the two syntaxes, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of Directive 2014/55/EU.


Another road-side advertisement citing UBL

Thanks to Tim for finding another photograph of a billboard in the Netherlands:

It complements the billboard photograph posted at:  http://ubl.xml.org/node/455



Australia choses UBL for whole-of-economy eInvoicing

This news article is the latest update on the Australian whole-of-economy eBusiness framework. 

The officially specifications will be published in the next few weeks at http://digitalbusinesscouncil.com.au. The article omits the fact that the PEPPOL-developed OASIS standards for business discovery (SMP and SML) are also being used.

Several of the council’s members were already working on bringing the standards to life with an aggressive timeline as early as this coming September. 

UBL TC nominated for OASIS Open Standards Cup

I'm very proud to announce that today the UBL TC was nominated for the second time in three years for the OASIS Open Standards Cup, this time for the Outstanding Approved Standard:


All committee members work hard for the UBL community and I am pleased to see their efforts recognized with this nomination.

. . . . . . Ken


MSC Belgium chooses UBL as e-Invoice XML format

"MSC Belgium selected the OASIS UBL (Universal Business Language) Invoice
XML standard which is widely gaining traction in national and
international contexts."

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