Welcome to UBL.XML.org.

This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845) International Standard. UBL defines a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices.

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Business Payments Coalition Face-to-face

Charlotte, NC
6 Mar 2019 - 7 Mar 2019
Event Type: 

Digital transformation of public procurement conference

Lisbon, PT
18 Oct 2018
Event Type: 

US Business Payments Coalition Face-to-face

Minneapolis, MN, USA
12 Sep 2018 - 13 Sep 2018
Event Type: 

UBL Technical Committee face-to-face meeting

Zwolle, NL
1 Oct 2018 - 5 Oct 2018
Event Type: 

Dispatch Document -Warehouse element

Currently we are building a dispatch document for a third party warehouse. Its clients send an instruction to pick and send items to their customer(s). Each Dispatch instruction will be to pick items from one warehouse. If stock is required from another warehouse a separate dispach will be used. I'm not sure where this should be highligted in the dispatch document. I probably dont want it at the item level.

Any suggestions would be helpful




I am currently creating a dispatch document for a client. My client is a third party warehouse, in other word they store clients products. The Dispatch is to request that items are picked and delivered to the customers client. My question is where do I insert the warehouse for picking. A  dispatch order is for picking from one location ( warehouse). The dispatch may have one or more items to be picked. 

Any suggestions? 


Multiple invoices per PDF

Since recently the dutch tax authorities allow multiple suppliers to combine their invoices in in one document.
(see article at https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2017-59187.pdf)
How would you approach this in UBL? I could create one UBL document per invoice on the aggregate document, but then it's not possible to give them the same filename as the PDF.

Storing Payment Reference in UBL

Dear guys/gals

I am new to UBL and its implementation for invoices.

Would like to clarify if my understanding of the below elements usage is correct or not.

Invoice/ PaymentMeans / PaymentID 

I am working on an ERP system which needs to create/read UBL formatted invoices (purchase and Sales).

and i was wondering where i can put my payment reference information.

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Hello! I work in a big company and we take a lot of E-Invoices from other companies. End of the every month E-Invoıces  (more than 1000) are controlled manually from xml files. It tooks more than 3 days. 

 I need to convert XML files to EXCEL. Is there any way for that?    


Adapting/Extending "Invoice" as "Payment Authorization" for Employees

Has anyone adapted and extended the UBL Invoice to function as a payment authorization for employees?  We use UBL (as well as ISO 20022) to structure data exchange for our pre-payment setup system. At the moment we're experimenting with use of our system for determination of employee salaries under a collective agreement.

If UBL can be used for periodic invoicing of business services under a subscription contract, then it seems adaptable to the periodic payment of worker services under an employment contract.

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