Use of GS1 GLN in CustomerParty
Dear all,
How can we indicate in CustomerParty that the IDs are Global Location numbers (EAN code) ?
We can see the CustomerAssignedAccountID, the SupplierAssignedAccountID and AdditionalAccountID but there is no way to indicate which scheme is used for the coding of these IDs.
Now I also looked at the UN/CEFACT and the CEN/BII specs. In the CEN/BII Core Data Model of the basic order these 3 IDs are even not used instead only the PartyIdentification is used.
I also looked at the OASIS ebCore Party Id Type Technical Specification Version 1.0
which describes the mechanism for the identification of business partners. Apparently using the URN the scheme should be identified. Different approaches are possible referring to :
ISO 6523 ICD 0088 identifies the GS1 Global Location Number (GLN) [GLN]
Or the code list for ISO 9735 (UN/EDIFACT syntax)
Or ISO20022
Which of these approaches are mostly used ? Do you have examples of how the party id''s of a Ship To and Bill To should be identified in an Order ?
Who is using the three other IDs instead of the PartyID ?
I am also looking at cXML and found that they are using the attribute domain to identify the scheme behind the id. However they are only using this for identifying the supplier not for the shipto or billto.
Anyone experience with identifying the "domain / authority / coding scheme" (whatever it is called) with either of these standards ?
kind regards
Danny Gaethofs
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