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Products provides a central location for providers to describe available tools that support UBL. Users are invited to share experiences using the "add new comment" link that appears at the bottom of each listing.

This directory is provided as a community resource and is not the result of any certification program or compliance testing. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of their entries. OASIS encourages readers to evaluate this information independently.

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UBL 2.1 Enterprise Architect (Sparx) Data Model

For use with Sparx Enterprise Architect modeling tool. This is the source data model from which the UML diagrams included in the UBL 2.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML) Alternative Representation Version 1.0 ( were generated. 

The UBL TC thanks Sparx Systems for its contribution of Enterprise Architect licenses for use in developing UML content models.



UBL4J provides a Java implementation for Universal Business Language (UBL) Order to Invoice process. Given an UBL order document, it produces an UBL invoice document and renders its output to TeX, PDF or HTML formats. UBl4J uses the order document country and language information to tailor locale-sensitive invoices. Form more information, consult

Ubler (by Enric Staromiejski Torregrosa)

Tool for generating W3C schemes and Java code from the data model spreadsheets based on UBL 2.0. (Generador de esquemas y código Java a partir de modelos de datos estructurados en hojas de cálculo que cumplan la especificación UBL-2.0 y sus Reglas de Denominación y Diseño).


Originally submitted on UBL Support SC [2007.10.01]

UBLish v2.0.alpha Availble - Now You Can!

  2008 Sep 22

UBLish v2.0.alpha is now available for early download! If you like what XML-Spreadsheets for UBL 2.0 and UBL v1.0 IDD draft could do for you, now you can generate them, as well as any Excel spreadsheet content, directly by yourself!

UN/ECE Recommendation No. 31: Electronic Commerce Agreement

The Electronic Commerce Agreement is intended to serve the commercial requirements of business-to-business electronic commerce partners. It contains a basic set of provisions which can ensure that one or more electronic commercial transactions may subsequently be concluded by commercial partners within a sound legal framework.

Unimaze: ebComposer UBL

ebComposer UBL is a software library for creating and parsing UBL 2.0 documents. It is for development in the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and COM/OLE containers (such as Dynamics NAV/Navision and VB6). ebComposer UBL reads and writes fully schema compliant UBL 2.0 documents and fully supports all UBL 2.0 document types. Documentation of all class hierarchies is provided with Intellisense(R) support. The download includes 30 days free trial and support.


Originally submitted on UBL Support SC [2007.03.01]

XML-Spreadsheet for UBL v1.0 IDD draft spreadsheet available

2008 Sep 19

XML-Spreadsheet for the multilingual translation table work done in UBL v1.0 IDD (International Data Dictionary) draft spreadsheet is now available.  The XML-Spreadsheet is an extremely simple XML format to convey as faithfully as possible the content and structure of original spreadsheets.  This allows all the power XML tools, utilities, processors, systems and knowledge to be used easily on the content of spreadsheets.

XML-Spreadsheets for UBL v2.0 Available

2008 Sep 18

XML-Spreadsheets for UBL v2.0's entire set of model spreadsheets are now available.

XML-Spreadsheets contain the same content as the spreadsheets but stored in XML form.  This facilitates use of other power XML tools and transformation engines such as XSL/XSLT, XML processors, browsers, AJAX, applets, etc to extract more value out of the spreadsheet content.

XMLSpy Version 2015

UBL 2.1 Schemas

The UBL (Universal Business Language) standard from OASIS defines a common standard XML library of business documents such as purchase orders, invoices, inventory reports, and so on. Now, it’s easy to work with UBL in XMLSpy 2015, which ships with the latest version, 2.1. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I