Recent changes

Wed, 12 August 2015
(diff) (hist)00:28Eventupdated CEN WS/BII3 seminargkholman
Wed, 29 July 2015
(diff) (hist)15:11Eventupdated Exchange Summit Barcelonagkholman
(diff) (hist)15:10Eventupdated JTC 1 SC 32 Plenarygkholman
(diff) (hist)15:07Eventupdated WCO Technology and Innovation Forumgkholman
(diff) (hist)15:05Eventupdated Asia Pacific Trade Facilitation Forumgkholman
Wed, 17 June 2015
(comment)17:53Forum topiccomment Example XSD UBL validation included with UBL 2.1 distribution
on Plsql approach to validate UBL xml against UBL xsd from John
(diff) (hist)11:52Forum topicrevised Plsql approach to validate UBL xml against UBL xsdJohn
(diff) (hist)11:48Forum topicupdated Plsql approach to validate UBL xml against UBL xsdJohn
Fri, 5 June 2015
(comment)13:36Wiki pagecomment Thank you for the contribution
on Presentations from carolgeyer
(comment)13:33Forum topiccomment Unblock the file?
on Validating XML using UBL XSD from Andrew
Mon, 1 June 2015
(comment)10:18Forum topiccomment The UBL Dev list is the place to ask
on Validating XML using UBL XSD from Andrew
(diff) (hist)03:11Forum topicnew Validating XML using UBL XSDAndrew
Thu, 28 May 2015
(diff) (hist)10:40Eventupdated PC440 Public eProcurement kick-off meetinggkholman
Wed, 29 April 2015
(diff) (hist)14:26Eventupdated TC 204 Intelligent Transport Systems Plenary Meetinggkholman
Tue, 28 April 2015
(diff) (hist)16:23Newsupdated ISO/IEC FDIS 19845 UBL 2.1 ballot in hands of national bodiesgkholman
Tue, 14 April 2015
(diff) (hist)20:59Forum topicnew UBL 2.1 proof of concept to create a web app/databaserichard.dallair...
(comment)20:56Productcomment UBL 2.1 proof of concept
on UBL 2.0 EA (Sparx) Data Model from roberto.cisternino
Wed, 8 April 2015
(diff) (hist)14:57Eventupdated CEN/PC 434gkholman
(diff) (hist)14:55Eventupdated EESPAgkholman
(comment)14:27Blog entrycomment Thanks for this answer. I
on Purchase Orde location from go2UBL
Thu, 2 April 2015
(diff) (hist)05:34Wiki pagerevised Committee-published supporting materials
author: gkholman
(diff) (hist)02:34Newsupdated New Committee Notes publishedtim.mcgrath
(diff) (hist)02:28Wiki pagerevised Committee-published supporting materials
author: gkholman
(diff) (hist)02:20Wiki pagerevised Committee-published supporting materials
author: gkholman
Wed, 25 March 2015
(diff) (hist)18:59Productmoved ChimpKey PDF to UBL Converter
source: ChimpKey
(diff) (hist)18:58Productrevised ChimpKeychimpkey
(diff) (hist)18:53Productnew ChimpKeychimpkey
Sat, 21 March 2015
(comment)16:31Blog entrycomment ID of the Order document
on Purchase Orde location from go2UBL
(diff) (hist)11:31Blog entryupdated Purchase Orde locationgo2UBL
Mon, 2 March 2015
(diff) (hist)03:43Newsupdated Video tutorials on Understanding the Universal Business Languagetim.mcgrath
(diff) (hist)03:37Wiki pagerevised Presentations
author: carolgeyer
Wed, 4 February 2015
(diff) (hist)18:23Eventupdated UN/CEFACT Forumgkholman
(diff) (hist)18:21Eventupdated UN/CEFACT Plenarygkholman
(diff) (hist)18:20Eventupdated CEN WS/BII Face-to-facegkholman
(diff) (hist)18:19Eventupdated CEN WS/BII Face-to-facegkholman
Fri, 30 January 2015
(diff) (hist)18:35Productupdated Crane Softwrights Ltd.: UBL NDR and schema generation toolsgkholman
(diff) (hist)18:34Productmoved Crane Softwrights Ltd.: free UBL Skeleton creation online web service
source: Crane's free UBL Skeleton creation online web service
Wed, 17 December 2014
(diff) (hist)16:00Eventupdated e-SENS face-to-facegkholman
Wed, 10 December 2014
(diff) (hist)01:31Productrevised UBL 2.1 Enterprise Architect (Sparx) Data Modeltim.mcgrath
(diff) (hist)01:20Productupdated UBL 2.1 Enterprise Architect (Sparx) Data Modeltim.mcgrath
Wed, 19 November 2014
(diff) (hist)15:24Eventupdated ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Working group and plenary meetingsgkholman
(diff) (hist)15:23Eventupdated Open Standards for ICT Procurementgkholman
Mon, 10 November 2014
(diff) (hist)21:02Productrevised Crane's free UBL Skeleton creation online web servicegkholman
(diff) (hist)18:00Productmoved Crane's free UBL Skeleton creation online web service
source: Crane's UBL Skeleton creation online web service
(diff) (hist)17:59Productupdated Crane's UBL Skeleton creation online web servicegkholman
Wed, 5 November 2014
(diff) (hist)15:38Newsupdated OASIS UBL 2.1 now a European referable standardgkholman
(diff) (hist)15:36Eventupdated Australian Business Software Industry Associationgkholman
Sun, 26 October 2014
(diff) (hist)12:50Eventrevised UBL International 2014gkholman
(diff) (hist)12:50Eventrevised UBL International 2014gkholman
Thu, 25 September 2014
(diff) (hist)14:12Productrevised XMLSpy Version 2015tim.mcgrath Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I