Diff for OASIS UBL Technical Committee Meeting

Tue, 2009-06-23 22:05 by bosakWed, 2009-10-28 13:52 by bosak
Changes to Location
Copenhagen (tentative; may be Malmö instead)
Changes to Description
Face-to-face meeting of the UBL TC. Persons wishing to attend as observers should contact the chair: bosak at pinax dot com.
Face-to-face meeting of the UBL TC. Persons wishing to attend as observers should contact the chair: bosak at pinax dot com. NOTE: DATE HAS CHANGED (was 8-12 February).
Current revision:

OASIS UBL Technical Committee Meeting

Copenhagen (tentative; may be Malmö instead)
2 Feb 2010 - 5 Feb 2010
Event Type: 

Face-to-face meeting of the UBL TC. Persons wishing to attend as observers should contact the chair: bosak at pinax dot com. NOTE: DATE HAS CHANGED (was 8-12 February).



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