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CVD diamonds

If you’re looking to buy an engagement ring, you may have heard of lab grown diamonds and lab grown diamonds. If you’re not sure what the difference between the two are, don’t worry—you’re in good company! Both are man-made diamonds that look exactly like natural diamonds, but their history and story make them very different gems indeed.

Lab created diamonds are diamonds that are manufactured in a lab by man. lab created diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, imitation or simulated diamonds, etc., look exactly like mined or natural (read: non-lab created) diamonds, but have an artificial origin. Many people believe that because of their artificial origins they have lower value than mined (also known as natural) diamond. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, most people don't know much about lab created and lab grown diamond gems and even fewer actually understand them well enough to discuss them intelligently with others. So let's change that!

Companies that offer lab created diamond jewellery include Noire, White Lotus Gems, Visions of Color, Ceres and Replicas by Miriam. Due to a high level of interest from our readers in lab diamonds it is a rapidly growing industry. To find out more information on where you can find a range of gorgeous lab grown diamond pieces online you can see full details on one of our previous articles. Lab grown diamonds are being produced by companies worldwide so there is a definite increase in supply due to their rapid popularity growth.

Many people think that CVD diamonds are fake or man made, but they're really synthetic. And while they are often used interchangeably with synthetic (which is technically accurate), the difference lies in how they're created. With synthetic, scientists create a diamond by adding carbon atoms under extreme heat and pressure, creating a large crystal that's usually yellowish in color. Synthetic diamonds are not chemically identical to natural diamonds - for one thing, their crystal structure is slightly different - which means that most of them can't be used as gemstones. But what makes them valuable as jewelry is that they have all of a diamond's properties without any of its faults or impurities. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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