Factura Electrónica con UBL
UBL se empieza a integrar en América
UBL 2.0 es utilizado en América por primera vez para integrar la Factura Electrónica en Perú.
De acuerdo a la publicación de la SUNAT (Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria) la Factura Electrónica en Perú es de manera obligatoria para todos los contribuyentes y las especificaciones técnicas de los documentos tributarios electrónicos como:
3. Where does UBL stand at this point?
4. Is UBL a 'true' global standard for electronic business?
5. How can I get the UBL 2.1 package, and what's in it?
6. How much will it cost to use UBL?
7. Where can I discuss UBL with other users?
9. Is the UBL effort still open to participation?
10. Can UBL be customized to meet specific business requirements?
11. Has UBL been successful in real-world implementations?
12. What is the UBL semantic data model?
13. Can I use UBL in other contexts?
14. How does UBL facilitate international trade?
15. Can I use UBL in a Single Window environment?
16. What is the relationship of UBL to ebXML?
17. How does UBL support the European electronic invoicing Directive?
18. Can I use digital signatures to electronically sign UBL documents?
Semantic Representations of the UN/CEFACT CCTS-based Electronic Business Document Artifacts
The purpose of this SET TC deliverable is to provide standard semantic representations of electronic document artifacts based on UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) and hence to facilitate the development of tools to support semantic interoperability. The basic idea is to explicate the semantic information that is already given both in the CCTS and the CCTS based document standards in a standard way to make this information available for automated document interoperability tool support.
Electronic Document Interoperability in eBusiness and eGovernment Applications
This special issue contains articles addressing document interoperability from several different perspectives. The first three articles demonstrate the use of UN/CEFACT CCTS and OASIS UBL specifications.
A Survey and Analysis of Electronic Business Document Standards
No document standard is sufficient for all purposes because the
requirements significantly differ among businesses, industries, and
geopolitical regions. On the other hand, the ultimate aim of business
document interoperability is to exchange business data among partners
without any prior agreements related to the document syntax and
semantics. Therefore, an important characteristic of a document standard
is its ability to adapt to different contexts, its extensibility, and
its customization. The UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification
iSURF eDoCreator: e-Business Document Design and Customization Environment
A Semantic based Solution for the Interoperability of UBL Schemas