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Blackjack Player Suing Colorado Casino for Detaining Him for Allegedly Counting Cards

A Georgia man on a layover in Colorado in 2021 decided to spend time at American Black Hawk Casino, but was later close to being arrested for allegedly counting cards. Currently, he is suing for a total of $3 million in damages.  
Joseph Shiraev visited the casino on October 19, 2021, and continued to play blackjack, according to the complaint. The manager asked me to show him his ID, which fell $4,000 even though he had already provided it on several occasions. When the manager wanted to take it "to check something," Shraev refused, and the manager said he couldn't cash in on the remaining $1,800 otherwise.  
Because he needed to go back to Denver Airport, he left and chose to deal with $1,800 next time. When he tried to leave the parking lot, he was also stopped by Joseph Nguyen, an agent with the Colorado Game Board who asked for his ID. Siraev decided to call the police to see if they could help him, and Sergeant Stephanie Whitman arrived at the scene.     Said he was being suspected of "possibility of fraud" to Shiraev     Whitman advised Shiraev to give his ID to Nguyen. And Nguyen told Siraev that he was suspected of "possibility of fraud," which includes "fraud or counting cards," and that he could possibly be arrested. 바다이야기     The lawsuit states that Shiraev did nothing wrong and did not cheat. It doesn't seem like he admitted the card bill, but it doesn't matter because it's not illegal. Daniel Carr, a spokesperson for the Colorado Revenue Department, confirmed in an interview with the Denver Post that even though casinos have the right to ask players to leave if the cards are too good, just using your brain to count cards is not against the law.     Nguyen was quoted as falsely saying that the card tally was "a form of fraudulent activity in Colorado." Siraev was eventually able to leave, but is suing for his civil rights violations. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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