Devices (B2B Connectors, ...)

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Products provides a central location for providers to describe available tools that support UBL. Users are invited to share experiences using the "add new comment" link that appears at the bottom of each listing.

This directory is provided as a community resource and is not the result of any certification program or compliance testing. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of their entries. OASIS encourages readers to evaluate this information independently.

Consultoría UBL en SAP

La integración del estándar UBL, puede ser integrado en SAP ECC en los diferentes módulos que les permite logran una estándarización de la información de emisión y recepción de documentos electrónicos como:


  • Ordenes de compra
  • Avisos de embarque (Albarán)
  • Confirmación de recepción de mercancia
  • Factura Electrónica
  • Desglose de pagos
  • Pagos electrónicos






Platform for B2B e-commerce & supply chain collaboration.

More business, Less waste. 

Dycode Software: eOrder - B2B ordering platform

eOrder - sales order collecting software

eOrder is B2B web-based order collecting and processing platform with an elegant product catalogue editing tools. Everyone who constantly receives orders from regular customers can benefit automating this process with eOrder. It can be used as separate application or directly integrated in any ERP system that supports UBL 2.x eOrder currently supports and easily lets you create Order, OrderResponse, Catalogue, CataloguePricingUpdate UBL documents. Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I