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Kayutogel Bandar Togel Online Terpercaya

The definition of togel hongkong is a popular lottery gambling game that is popular and enjoyed by Indonesian lottery connoisseurs. In addition to the lure of prizes of tens to hundreds of millions of rupiah that is produced is extraordinary and promises extraordinary profits, there is also pleasure and satisfaction in itself if you can guess the number that will come out on the same day.

For those of you who have just started playing or trying this game, it might be better for you to know and learn some of the types of this lottery game first. And also this time I want to try to explain how to play Hong Kong lottery gambling.

Hong Kong lottery gambling is a lottery gambling game whose number outputs are based on certain server times that only exist in Hong Kong.
There are several kinds of things that you should pay attention to in this Hong Kong lottery gambling, which are as follows:

1. The Hong Kong lottery gambling market time opens at 00:00:00 local time and also closes the market until 22:40:00 local time too, and also the output number from the Hong Kong lottery is at 23:00 local time which will be published and can be opened on the site http://hongkong-pools.com

2. After that there are also several kinds of guidelines or ways to calculate the results of the Hong Kong TOTO number that must be considered and you see below are as follows:
– The balls will be arranged in order from the smallest ball to the biggest ball.
– The 1st ball to the 6th ball will be added up or totaled, For example: 8+22+30+31+35+37 = 163 will be multiplied to 2 = 326 the result.
- After that, the result of multiplying the kindergarten 326, will continue to be reduced by the 1st ball which is 8 and also the 6th ball which is 37 = 281 results.
– After that, the remaining 281 will be added with an additional number (04) = 285 as a result.
– From the results of the number 285, you will get 2 tens digits, namely 85. After that, just look for the hundreds and thousands numbers.
– In order to be able to get the number hundreds you have to take from the 4th ball, which is 31 and add it to the 5th ball, which is 35, the number = 66 the result. You just take the tail, which is 6, this is the number in the hundreds.
– In order to get the number thousands, you have to take the 2nd ball, which is 22 added to the 3rd ball, which is 30, the total = 52, we will take only 2 tails, this is the number in the thousands.
- So based on the results of the addition or calculation above are as follows:
Thousands = 2 Hundreds = 6 Tens = 85
is the result = open 2685.
The following are some examples of style or style of play prepared in the Hong Kong Tοgel Game, namely: - 4D, 3D and 2D - Free Cοlοk - 2D Free Cοlοk - Jitu Cοlοk - SI
- Mοnο Stereο - Big Small - Odd Even - Middle Edge - Macau Bandar Togel The Predicted Number will look for example: AB CD Which means:
A = AS
B = Kοp
C = Head
D = Ekοr
4D, 3D Dan 2D
Togel sites and tricks for playing lottery are guessing 4 numbers, 3 numbers, or 2 numbers in the ABCD arrangement
The example is visible: 4321
for the winner is
4D = 4321
3D = 321
2D = 21

Free Check First analysis comes out: 4321 Example Put 3 together with a value of 100,000 Means to win: 100,000 (win for free check)
Second Analysis Out: 4331 For example, pairs of 3 numbers together with a value of 100,000 Which means winning: 100,000 (win for free games) x 2 and then for each correct twin, then automatically gets a multiple (Winning index for free games).
2D Free Clash The way to play 2D free Clash is like a free but obligatory check which looks like 2 numbers and the position of the numbers can be anywhere.
First Out Analysis : 4321 For example, put 43 together with a value of 100,000 Means to win: 100,000 (win for 2D free games) x 2
Second Analysis Out: 4331 For example, pair 43 with a value of 100,000 Which means win: 100,000 (win for 2D free games) x 3 Second Analysis Out: 4331 For example, pair 40 with a value of 100,000 means the player loses and for each successful twin is guessed then automatically will get multiples (win for 2D free check).
Accurate Check To Understand the Difference Between Check Free Numbers and Check Accurate Numbers, In Hong Kong Online Tategel you must also be aware of what it means to play precise tackling. The real tgel cοkk game is actually not much different and comes from the free-to-play game. in the sniper game, the player must guess the number that will be visible while guessing on the position of the number. 
You can conclude that the game of precise ticks is actually much more difficult than the game of free number ticks. For example, in the 4D precise matchstick game, the first number or Ace can be referred to together with the number thousands. While the 2nd number or Kοp can be called the hundreds number, the third number or Head can be called together with the tens and the fourth number or Ekοr together with the units.

In this precise tick number game, if the number that is successfully guessed is by the player, it will be multiplied by 8 from the player's bet nominal. if the number shown is 1230 and the player who bets Rp. 100,000 So for number 1 as Ace, the player is able to get Rp. 100,000 x 8 = Rp. 800,000. then, it can be ascertained that the ck game is accurate, for the value of the benefits that can be obtained by the player is much greater than the free-to-play style of ck.

So I hope that from some of the explanations of the article above, you can understand it easily, and I really thank you for taking the time to read the article that I made. and ask for forgiveness and understanding.
And finally, that's enough for our meeting next time and see you in my next articles, thank you.
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